
"Sure, it's a little like having bees live inside your head—but there they are."
   Firesign Theater: I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus

I try to live at the intersection of Technology and Art (but somebody stole the darn street signs). I will strive to share the unusual—OK—weird, and give a tall guy's perspective on what passes for reality at this nexus of the plexus—this major hub of the multiverse.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Insect photography -- a bug's-eye view

My friend Rick Lieder just sent me a link to a website of his I had not seen before, Bug Dreams. I have always enjoyed his art, including his book covers and magazine illustrations. His photography and paintings are perhaps a bit off-beat--but certainly deep, evocative, and often highly-charged with emotion; the bug photography is surprisingly colorful, involving, and suffused with a sense of light and heightened awareness. A bug may not have much of a brain, but it's certainly "plugged into" its environment in ways our more-highly-evolved human consciousness has left behind on its way to the top of the evolutionary ladder--and you can feel it here.


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