Thought for Today
The biggest problem with making up your mind is figuring out where to apply the rouge.
"Sure, it's a little like having bees live inside your head—but there they are."
Firesign Theater: I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus
I try to live at the intersection of Technology and Art (but somebody stole the darn street signs). I will strive to share the unusual—OK—weird, and give a tall guy's perspective on what passes for reality at this nexus of the plexus—this major hub of the multiverse.
The biggest problem with making up your mind is figuring out where to apply the rouge.
Personalizing the Internet: Blogs was the title of a recent presentation I gave to the Oak Park Computer Club--it was one of the reasons I started this blog in the first place. I will link to the finished article when it's ready. Technorati is a very useful blog-oriented real-time search tool.
If you feel like you didn't get enough fireworks this year, don't fret--you can make your own! This Java-based animation allows users to point-and-click their own fireworks over a New York skyline. Very cool!
As it has been for some time, Pibgorn is my favorite Web comic.
The intersection of math, science, and art has some interesting landmarks--among them art based on fractals (fractional dimensions), including those mathematically derived from the Mandelbrot and Julia sets and Sierpinski gaskets. These mathematical constructs often mimic features of the natural world such as coastlines, clouds, and weather patterns.
Some high-voltage hijinks, both man-made and natural. As a long-time electronic technician, I've gotten my share of jolts--what we used to jokingly refer to as "shaking hands with Reddy Kilowatt"--but never anything quite as energetic as the stuff shown here.
A while back, I sent out a link to a car commercial featuring a Transformer-like dancing Citroen. For those of you who may not have seen that mail, here is that link again (
Funny, funny, funny--inspired by the meme "Superman is a dick"--a collection of truly (and wonderfully) bizarre and/or stupid comic book covers, mostly Superman-related. As the comment I saw stated, "Time, prepare to be wasted."