
"Sure, it's a little like having bees live inside your head—but there they are."
   Firesign Theater: I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus

I try to live at the intersection of Technology and Art (but somebody stole the darn street signs). I will strive to share the unusual—OK—weird, and give a tall guy's perspective on what passes for reality at this nexus of the plexus—this major hub of the multiverse.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Arcs 'n' sparks

Some high-voltage hijinks, both man-made and natural.  As a long-time electronic technician, I've gotten my share of jolts--what we used to jokingly refer to as "shaking hands with Reddy Kilowatt"--but never anything quite as energetic as the stuff shown here.

The Teslamania site is also a good source of information on Nikola Tesla (and here), one of the all-time unsung heroes of modern science--without whom the modern world would be a
much different place.  Why unsung?  There are a number of reasons, including his eccentricities and the undying enmity of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford.  A fascinating story...


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